Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Winter and Death...

Winter and Death.Powerful time of transformation and renewal.The return of the Sun,the Truth..
It reminds us that,as powerful one may be,no one has power over this.Kings die and so do bishops.It's bigger than we are.

Yules blessings,May the essential remains while the superficial dies.Specially at this time of the year,when madness has touched most of the population.Eating,drinking,buying and throwing away excessively.Let's fullfill our heart,not our house or stomach.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The missing branch of my family tree..

Isabel..she was named Isabel
She was a Gypsy from Andalousia
The arrogant spanish conquistadors
Cast her away from the family tree
Because it wasn't well seen to be a Gypsy
Was apparently better seen to be a f*cking settler
She was all from the heart
They only cared about their jewels and money
So curse was on the way..
But I broke it
It took me a while,but I did it
And the ones who were living will remain forever dead
While the ones who were dead came alive again
I won't sit around their table no more
Nor will I accept a dime from them
I have chosen the path of love and truth
The only one that counts
And I can hear that song..
As I carry the flame
Isabel..was her name.


Friday, October 31, 2014

The Sun-The Moon-The Truth

"Three things cannot be long hidden:The Sun,The Moon and The Truth" Buddha

As above...

Life flows..Love knows..
The way to The Golden Realm again
Where Kings and Queens won't wear crowns
But beating hearts free from the chains
Of the visible world and all his pain
Love flows..Life grows..
From dying remains

"As above,so below"


Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Broken Circle Breakdown Official Soundtrack (Full Album)

Great soundtrack and one of the best movies ever!"Alabama Monroe" a must seen.



Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Samhain's coming...

As the year's ending and the line between the underworld and this one is getting thinner,I raise my glass to the ones who have carried their light with them and never left us,who are protecting us and guiding us here until we go Home.Love you.


River Phoenix - Until now

Estas Tonne - Between Fire and Water - Stadtspektakel Landshut 2012

Such an inspiration on so many levels to me.When you live your dream and you share it with the rest of the world with all of your heart,that leads to this.You inspire another who will inspire another and so on..and make of this world a brighter place.



Monday, October 27, 2014

Oui,pour toujours

C'est à nous,nouvelles générations,d'éradiquer une bonne fois pour toute ce virus qu'est le racisme et de rétablir ainsi la balance et corriger les erreurs des générations précédentes.

Non seulement,tu es le grand amour de ma vie,mon meilleur ami,mon âme soeur,mon futur époux,le futur père de mes enfants,mon univers,ma force,ma foi..mais en plus,tu fais partie de mes rêves et du grand rêve universel.Je t'aime K.


Make it better

Monday, October 20, 2014

"Saying Hello" (Meditative Experience) by Estas Tonne

Hello World!

Blessed are those who in spite of their profound sadness,still hold on to the light they have inside and stay on the good side of the chessboard.

Justice and Love go hand in hand.


Ben Harper - Better Way

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Great Expectations - Patrick Doyle - Kissing In The Rain

I've just watched it again.All the emotions came back.Nothing was missing..I felt it in my soul,deep the first time I saw it.Only,this time,I'm not the same person.I've watched it again but with a new heart,an healed one.I used to be like her,sort of,disabled when it came to love but longing for it,only too scared to be happy,also didn't know what real love was about.My mother was sort of crazy too..I guess I held a lot of fear in me coming from her.After a failed relationship and a kid..33 years after,I finally met the greatest love of my life.One who sticks around,the one who was crazy enough to watch me go many times and still hold on to me and I know the difference now..I know what love is.I don't know him since childhood,but it feels like I've known him forever,right from the start.A feeling I never had before but that I've been reading about many times.This exists and this can happen to anyone.So hang in there people,don't lose hope.Nothing comes easy and all is daily work as well,but true love exists.It doesn't lie in pretty faces and fancy is in the eyes of someone who really loves you and proves it everyday with not just words,but acts that go with it.Your happiness comes first,he doesn't cut you from the things you love,your loved ones,he loves you despite of all your flaws and you grow and heal with him,you become a better person and everything around you becomes better too.He helps you realize your dreams too,encourages you,not hold you back.He loves you no matter how you're dressed.He loves you for all the things you are.And so do you.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

STING The book of my life

When I die...RUMI

Keep in mind that we are only guests here.Just guests.The Earth does not belong to us.We own nothing.Only love is important.The choice is yours.Falling into the trap some have built to make us go far from love and gain in hatred or open your heart even if it's broken..Some people have everything and still don't know how to love.Some have nothing and still open their heart.Your soul is free.You're a child of the universe.Don't become a slave.Open your eyes and give an hand.


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Talk to me - Yodelice (lyrics)

Feeling this too..

Happy Litha

Have a blessed Litha!May you always remember that there's a lot to celebrate in life.

Much love


14 Glenn Close Concert Unique Julien Doré

Feeling like this..

Everything is so fragile..

Love hurts


I put on my smile and I try to live the moment because there's so much to celebrate in life..

My son is amazing.My friends are awesome.Music makes my heart beat.Nature si generous.Life has so much to offer.And even if it hurts so much,I will survive.I'm a fighter.I'm a warrior.

Holding strong


Thursday, June 19, 2014

This feeling..

Some days it's really hard to sail the stormy seas of this world.It's hard to draw the line between compassion and fusion.It's always easier to get involved mentally without putting your heart in.Perhaps with time I will be able to master this.At the moment,now,I can tell I feel like there's a hole in my heart.I know things are fragile,nothing is bound to be forever and that change is the only constancy.I have to remember this all the time.My heart is aching and my mind over thinking,but I still find beauty everyday.The present is all we have.
Sometimes it is heaven simple as a kiss from the one you love or a good laugh with your friend.And sometimes it is hell.When you have so much love to give and you can't reach him and you can't share.Pain and love go hand in hand..Unconditionnal love is bliss and I'm happy I can give that but your human part reminds you that you're flesh and blood too and you're forever bound to feel desires and needs..Your soul is trapped in a body.Emotions are flying around.Sometimes,like today for me,it's too much to take.It was so easier when I was only involved mentally,but then again,a heart is made to beat.So yes I like the world,it is both a blessing and a curse.And yes I love you and this is the hardest thing ever.I hold on to what they say..the best things don't come easy.I guess I'm not an easy person.You're not an easy person.And this world isn't easy.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Type O Negative - Anesthesia [Live Wacken 2007]

Something to go with the Blood Moon..

RIP Green Man!4 years...

To listen very loud :)))

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hozier - Take Me To Church

Magnificent!Powerful song,video and message!Please let people love who they want to love!Stop the violence!Stop the hatred!

Peace and Love for all


Saturday, March 8, 2014

Keep the fight

All the beautiful colors of women

Femicide at the border: Women of Juarez

On this Woman's day,like everyday,my heart goes to all women out there,in the world who struggle to live,to breathe,to be.I always have a special thought for the women of Ciudad Juarez and I never forget them.

Not one more!Ni una mas!
