Saturday, December 28, 2013

Quote of everyday..

"The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal.Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence,because their human voice has been silenced to early in their lives,that they do not even struggle or suffer or developp symptoms as neurotic does.They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word;they are normal only in the relation to a profoundly abnormal society.Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness.These millions of abnormally normal people,living without fuss in a society to which,if they were fully human beings,they ought not to be adjusted." Aldous Huxley

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Madonna - 11. To Have And Not To Hold

Happy Winter Solstice

Silence is blessing.May you listen to the depth of your soul and find your sun,your light,your heart.
All the answers lie within you.You are your own sun.Make it shine.
Have a blessed one.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Lie,pain and you

When you are a child,you believe what adults tell you.You tend to idealize people and situations.And then,when you become an adult,you fall from high above because you realize that you've been cheated,you've been taken for a fool.Never take a child for granted.It destroys his future.Call a cat,a cat.I believe a child needs magic,not tragic.And I believe magic is in a starry sky,in a piece of art,in a good story..but not in "Happily ever after" craps from relatives who do not believe in it themselves.Some children are highly receptive and sensitive,they tend to create their own world and barricate themselves in an illusion,which can be really harmful when grown up.In the way they see others and the world for instance.In the value they place upon relationships too.We are as we are,but what made us who we are?

Thankfully,when you got back your own voice,your own values,then you can break up with all that nonsense and act to create your life instead of waiting for a "Savior"that will make it all right(another lie).Life is what you make of it.You are in charge of fixing your heart and shaping your brain.But I do believe that a lot of pain would be avoided if adults weren't taken children for fools.Lying does not protect anyone.It does more harm.Then,if you cannot do without,because you've been fooled yourself too,there are still late apologies though.

There is the lie you are taught and there is the lie you create,because a lie is often better than reality.All of these make a coward adult,someone who will always run away from his responsabilities.He will do drugs,he will never stop running to avoid thinking,he will live the lie his parents taught him,he will never finish what he started,he will always fear staying on his own,he will buy and buy to fullfill that hole in his heart,he will look for everyone to love him because he cannot love himself...whatever he will do,he will be caught in the past. A lie is the perfect killer.Perfection is a lie.

I am not better than another one,I just stopped believing in the lie and started believing in myself.

Give it a try.

It takes pain to break up with pain,but trust me when this temporary pain is gone,the permanent one will too and this,forever.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Girl,Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen(extract)

                         Girl Interrupted at Her Music by Johannes Vermeer

"It was a beautiful October day in New York.He had attacked and I had comforted and now we were ready to go out.
"Let's go to the Frick,"he said.
"I've never been there,"I said.Then I thought maybe I had been.I didn't say anything;I'd learned not to discuss my doubts.
When we got there I recognized it."Oh,"I said."There's a painting I love here."
"Only one?"he said."Look at these Fragonards."
I didn't like them.I left the Fragonards behind and walked into the hall leading to the courtyard.
She had changed a lot in sixteen years.She was no longer urgent.In fact,she was sad.She was young and distracted,and her teacher was bearing down on her,trying to get her to pay attention.But she was looking out,looking for someone who would see her.
This time I read the title of the painting:Girl Interrupted at Her Music.
Interrupted at her music:as my life had been,interrupted in the music of being seventeen,as her life had been,snatched and fixed on canvas:one moment made to stand still and to stand for all the other moments,whatever they would be or might have been.What life can recover from that?
I had something to tell her now."I see you",I said.

Girl,Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen(extract)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Girl,Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen(extract)

New Frontiers in Dental Health

My one-and-a-half-year sentence was running out and it was time to plan my future.I was nearing twenty.I'd had two jobs in my life:three months selling gourmet cookware,much of which I dropped and broke;and one week typing in the Harvard billing office,terrifying students by sending them term bills for $10,900 that were meant to read $1,900.
I made these mistakes because I was terrified by the supervisor.The supervisor was an elegant and attractive black man who roamed all day among the aisles of typists,watching us work.He smoked while doing this.When I lit a cigarette,he pounced on me.
"You can't smoke",he said.
"But you're smoking."
"Typists are not permitted to smoke."
I looked around the room.All typists were women;all supervisors were men.All supervisors were smoking;all typists were not.
When break time came,at ten-fifteen,the bathroom was stuffed with smoking typists.
"Can't we smoke in the hall?"I asked.There was an ashtray outside the bathroom.
But we couldn't.We had to smoke in the bathroom.
The other problem was clothes.
"No miniskirts",said the supervisor.
This put me in a pickle,as I had only miniskirts,and I had as yet no paycheck."Why?"I asked.
"No miniskirts,"he repeated.
Smoking was Monday,miniskirts was Tuesday.Wednesday I wore a black miniskirt with black tights and hoped for the best.
"No miniskirts,"he said.
I scooted to the bathroom for a quick cigarette.
"No smoking except on break,"he muttered as he passed my desk on his next round.
This was when I began making my high-priced mistakes.
Thursday he beckoned me over his desk,where he sat,smoking.
"Making some mistakes,"he said."We can't have that."
"If I could smoke,"I said,"I wouldn't make so many."
He just shook his head.
Friday I didn't go in.I didn't call either.I lay in bed smoking and thinking about the office.The more I thought about it the more absurd it became.I couldn't take all those rules seriously.I started to laugh,thinking of the typists jammed into the bathroom,smoking.
But it was my job.Not only that...I was the only person who had trouble with the rules.Everybody else accepted them.
Was this a mark of my madness?
All weekend I thought about it.Was I crazy or right?In 1967,this was a hard question to answer.Even twenty-five years later,it's a hard question to answer.
Sexism!It was pure sexism...isn't that the answer?
It's true,it was sexism.But I'm still having trouble with rules about smoking.Now we've got smokism.It's one of the reasons I became a writer:to be able to smoke in peace."A writer,"I said,when my social worker asked me what I planned to do when I got out of the hospital."I'm going to be a writer."
"That's a nice hobby,but how are you going to earn a living?"
My social worker and I did not like each other.I didn't like her because she didn't understand that this was me,and I was going to be a writer;I was not going to type term bills or sell au gratin bowls or do any other stupid things.She didn't like me because I was arrogant and uncooperative and probably still crazy for insisting on being a writer.
"A dental technician,"she said."That's the ticket.The training is only one year.I'm sure you'd be able to manage the responsabilities."
"You don't understand,"I said.
"No,you don't understand,"she said.
"I hate the dentist."
"It's nice clean work.You have to be realistic."
"Valerie,"I said,when I got back to the ward,"she wants me to be a dental technician.It's impossible."
"Oh?"Valerie didn't seem to understand either."It's not bad.Nice clean work."
Luckily,I got a marriage proposal and they let me out.In 1968,everybody could understand a marriage proposal.

Girl,Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thoughts for the night

I leave you people face to face or should I say heart to ear and heart to heart with another true artist.One of the few..

Peaceful Night
