Friday, May 31, 2013

Mediterranean eyes

Hey Mediterranean Eyes
Who travels along your way
Between forests and palaces
The world is such a wonderful place
Here,you stop once in a while
To see me laugh,to see me cry
Although I wonder why..
I miss your mediterranean eyes
Whatever it is that you're seeking
I hope you will find it,I hope you will find it..
And if one day,you'd like to stop for a coffee
I know you will find me,you will find me..

Have a great day Y.


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

They can kill your body,but they'll never have your soul

Very,very sad time,as darkness takes over the light once more.On monday ,Marisela Ortiz's brother died assassinated in the town of Chihuahua,Mexico.

For the ones who don't know who Marisela Ortiz is(which is unfortunately almost the entire planet..),she's a beautiful woman,figther for human rights and never cease to raise her voice to give justice to the ones who have no voice.She's always been by the side of all those women whose daugthers,sisters,mothers have been taken from them in the most horrible ways...

Too much violence,too many dead
Too little justice..

R.I.P Jesus Ortiz Rivera

with all my love,


Friday, May 24, 2013

Some people deceive and some people show...

"You must do the heaviest
So many shall do none
You have got to stand firm
So many shall run
Some they rest their head at night
Some get no sleep at all
If you listen close to what you see
You will hear the call" Ben Harper

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Another clever man..

"If you want to find out who your real friends are,sink the ship.The first ones to jump aren't your friends."

"I never said to be like me,I say be yourself and make a difference."

"Times have not become more violent,they have just become more televised."

"We live in a society of victimization,where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves."

"Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name,Charles Manson isn't his real name,and now I'm taking that to be my real name.But what's real?You can't find the truth,you just pick up the lie you like the best."

"The death of one is a tragedy,the death of a million is just a statistic."

"I think art is the only thing that's spiritual in the world.And I refuse to forced to believe in other people's interpretations of God.I don't think anyone should be.No one person can own the copyright to what God means."

"When someone was willing to drown with me,I really didn't want to drown anymore."

"When you're taught to love everyone,to love your enemies,then what value does that place on love?"

"You get depressed because you know that you're not what you should be."

"The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept.They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like,what they're supposed to buy,and what they're supposed to laugh at."

"But I think if I find Jesus..which,I didn't know he was lost in the first place."

"If things are too perfect,people are always so afraid that it's going to change,so they ruin it themselves."

Marilyn Manson

Words for today

Don't lose yourself into someone else's dream unless you have a common one.Mind your own.Because people who really love you will never let you be someone you're not.And the ones who don't,will actually turn you into a little puppet.No masters,no slaves.We are free spirits!Get your life back!Don't be scared to say "fuck off!I'm done with that shit!" or something like that :D

When you know what you want,it's good.When you know what you no longer want,it's great.When you know both,it's bliss.Nothing can stop you,you're free.No matter what,you can say "yes" and you can say "no" based on what you think and feel,not on how other people define you and not because someone else says so.Have a free life.Live your life,not someone else's.


Free Spirit

Monday, May 20, 2013

Free Iran!

In solidarity with the people of Iran
For they are fighting for their rights
The right to have freedom of speech and expression
The freedom to love who they want and not to hide away
The right to freely be who they are.
The fight will never be over
As long as there is enough light
To overcome darkness
As long as there is enough love
To overcome fear

For a free Iran
For a free world


"ἕν οἶδα ὅτι οὐδὲν οἶδα"


Friday, May 17, 2013

That I would be good...

That I would be good..
Even if one morning you wake up
And you cease to love me

"That I would be good..
Whether with or without you"

Mature love
Passed through all the storms
I know that I can't suffer more than I did
Because I know what I want
And what I no longer want
And I know I can survive on my own
So now,no matter what life brings
I know that I would be good..
Whether you stay a month or an eternity :)


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

Life is

Life is a wheel of fortune with lots of misfortunes..
Struggling to stay on top but evetually falling
It is said that the secret is to fall seven times,to get up eight
But what happens if you have wasted all your lives
Will you stay on the ground forever..
Crushed by that wheel?


How much difference does it make?

Love is a waste of time,time is wasting love
Love is a crow wrapped into a dove
A blossomed tree but dying inside
A killer with an angel smile
You seek and..then you hide
Love is cruel and vile
Love is as dangerous as a snake
You bend and then you break
And as much as I love her
The icy queen doesn't seem to love me
And as much as I have preached her
That icy bitch still rejects me
Love is as cold as death can be.


Friday, May 3, 2013


 Un jeu de Tarot
Trois mots...
Une odeur de myrrhe
Un écriteau
Une cours,un arbre,de l'eau
Une trousse,un cartable,des devoirs
Rentrer toujours trop tard le soir
Devoirs bâclés,préfère dessiner,préfère rêver...
Une musique de fond
Une réunion
Etranges visages..
Rester sage
Le monde déjà bien trop grand
Pas de place pour une enfant..
Pas à sa place évidement
Une ligne,la ligne de ma main..
Echo revenant
Une odeur de livres
Trois mots
Un fardeau
Un cadeau


"On n'est pas un corps avec une âme,mais une âme enfermée dans un corps"...peu importe comment on tourne cette phrase,ça me permet de dire:soutiens à tous ceux et celles qui n'ont pas choisi,mais qui ont été choisis pour être l'intermédiaire entre les deux mondes.Et oui la mort n'est que le prolongement d'une autre forme de vie.Mais de belles pensées à tous ceux qui n'ont pas été "touchés" ou qui n'ont pas encore développé toutes leurs facultés intuitives et psychiques..ou qui se le refusent.Ceux-là ne sont pas à blâmer.Ceux ou celles qui simulent leur don à des fins scrupuleuses,et donnent une mauvaise image à la      médiumnité,ceux-là le sont. 
