Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ce qu'Aphrodite aurait pu murmurer à Adonis...

Ne pars pas,reste encore un peu
Ne vas pas chez celle qui peut tout détruire
Reste avec moi pour reconstruire
Au son de notre amour infini
L'humanité entière.

Ne pars pas,reste encore un peu,
Refais-moi l'amour encore et encore
De l'aube jusqu'à l'aurore
Dans cette forêt,cachés aux yeux d'Arès
Nous ne faisons qu'un,n'en déplaise à tant

Ne pars pas mon amour
Reste encore un jour
Un mois,une année,une éternité
Nous avons tant à faire
Que nul ne peut défaire
Enlace-moi jusqu'à épuisement
De feu,de chair et de sang
Tu es le seul pour qui je renoncerais
A la gloire,à la renommée

Embrasse-moi encore une fois
Comme la lune et le soleil autrefois
De leurs ébats,de leurs éclats
Il reste toi et moi

Ma force,ma foi


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Monday, January 28, 2013

Life goes on...

Turn your rage,your pain,your sorrow into something creative rather than destructive.
Choose to live or choose to die.
Do what you want of that fire.
But before you make your choice,know that
After winter always comes a new spring.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Nothing yet Everything

Nothing stays the same Baby,
Truth is that all keep moving on
Just like Mother Earth
Something old for something new
And we come to the birth
Of a new self,of a new dawn
And more things to be written down
Until the end of this experience and beyond
Memory keeps it all wrapped up
Sometimes a gift
Sometimes a curse
For better and for worse
Truth is that it is what you make of it
But Baby know that I have the best intentions
Let go
Breathe again
And let the sun shining into this heart of yours
And yes you're great
And yes you're beautiful
And yes I love you
How could it be not?
For all that you are
Good and bad
Strong and fragile
For all that you say,do or fail to
In the madness of the day
Or the softness of the night
I carry you high in my heart.
Nothing stays the same Baby
But nothing dies
Part of growing towards..
A better me,a better you
To finally write.."US"


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Ben Harper Jah work

What did save me and what will always save me,is the huge,deep,unquestionnable FAITH I have and what goes with faith is an immense,deep and never ending LOVE I feel.

Because I learn,because I grow,because I feel,because I see,because I hear in music and in silence.


Monday, January 7, 2013

Number 16

Nothing will never be the same.
Change is the only constancy,
So let it be...
Let it be you,let it be me,
The worst is passed,it can only get better.
The chains are broken,
So that the Star can shine again.
And what's essential will remain.


Working Class Hero - John Lennon

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone with Lyrics

Let's forget about today's madness and let's enjoy tonight's sweetness.

Happy all you want :)