Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - Amy Winehouse (Best video ever)

Amy Winehouse I love you more than you'll ever know LIVE (Inédit RARE)

'Don't let me be misunderstood'

Because it's just too good :)))


I left the roller coaster
And I got on my swing
For the sweetest feelings
You do bring
Memories and nostalgia
The child living inside,
I can see him in your eyes
Society forces us to disguise
Masquerade,advertising,fake paradise
You find yourself lost more than once
But you never forget the sweet moments
When in your heart someone lives on
And truly shines
In between the lines,
In the silence of the night
The soft music from your heart
Is my hope,my guide,my lighthouse
I just have to dive into you
To find myself again
I love you.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

What if - Coldplay (with lyrics)


A une vieille connaissance,une ombre de passage..

Mon amour est plus fort que ta haine.
Et la haine n'a pas sa place dans ma vie.
Et toi non plus.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Curse and Blessing

I know a real warrior,who doesn't know he is,
He is not famous nor rich
He is human and kind
He is grounded and real
Broken hearted and sharp mind
I love a real warrior who doesn't know he is.


City of Angels- I Grieve- Peter Gabriel

Aborted world and broken hearts..

Friday, September 21, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Neil Young - Heart Of Gold - Lyrics

and then...I stopped searching
Happy ending

Big bang...

Le monde explose
Après avoir tant implosé
Et je redoute les jours d'hiver
Aujourd'hui a un goût d'hier
Sang,poudre et brume
Conflits d'intérêt,soif de pouvoir
Aux quatres coins du monde...
Satan a des enfants que l'on ne peut pas voir
Que d'âmes dans le noir..
Soif de justice,faux idéaux
Ceux qui n'ont plus rien à perdre
Se raccrochent à tout ce qui parait nouveau
La guerre profite à une poignée d'inommables
Ceux qui ont tout à perdre,impardonnables
Nous nous entretuons sous leur commande
Siècles d'esclavage et de terreur
La femme est le nouveau souffre douleur
La guerre des sexes fait déjà ravage
Quel autre choix auront les femmes,
Que de prendre les armes?

Le soleil a perdu de son éclat
Et la lune s'est arrêté de chanter
Ce soir,l'espoir me parait si loin,presqu'un mirage..
Et pourtant,les couleurs de l'amour m'animent
Dans ce monde avorté au milieu de l'abîme
J'entrevois un sourire,un clin d'oeil,un air familier
Je m'y repose,je respire,je renais.
Jusqu'à mon dernier soupir,j'aimerais.
C'est telle que j'ai été conçue
Je ne changerai pas le monde,
Mais ce monde ne me changera pas
Je n'oublierai rien,longtemps après avoir été oubliée
Ni ce visage,ni ce sourire,ni ce refrain
Tu sera dans mon coeur jusqu'au dernier matin.


Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Neil Young - Like A Hurricane

One of my favorite songs by one of my favorite artist.

Once I thought I saw you in a crowded hazy bar,
Dancing on the light from star to star.
Far across the moonbeam I know that's who you are,
I saw your brown eyes turning once to fire.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but I'm getting blown away.

I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream,
You could have been anyone to me.
Before that moment you touched my lips
That perfect feeling when time just slips
Away between us on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but I'm getting blown away.

You are just a dreamer, and I am just a dream.
You could have been anyone to me.
Before that moment you touched my lips
That perfect feeling when time just slips
Away between us on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but I'm getting blown away.

Neil Young

Neil Young - Dead Man Theme (long version)

Just because it's beautiful...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Cure - Wish (Full Album)

Beauty is everywhere.Beauty is in all.
Beauty is in a shell,waiting to be discovered.
Beauty is celebrated under the brightest sun.
Beauty is revealed under the dreamy moon.
Beauty is in joy,beauty is in pain.
Beauty is in a smile,and in heavy rain.
Beauty is within strength
When all is lost and forgotten
Beauty walks the world
To find you again.
Beauty is your broken heart
Beauty never leaves you
Beauty is the love you do
Beauty is that everlasting flame
Dancing when all is dead
To pierce the darkest sky
And bring you back anew.
Beauty is music and beauty is silence.
Beauty is in art and beauty is in everyday's life.
Beauty is..what's meaningful to you.

